
The recipient of best Thai performer in Jean Marie Londeix International Saxophone Competition 2017 and Selmer Saxophone Artist (Paris), Pisol Manatchinapisit has been awarded several prizes and honors such as Prix Walo-Sprungbrett 2017 (Switzerland), 3rd prize Asian saxophone competition 2016 (Taiwan), 2nd prize Osaka International Music Competition 2014 (Japan) and Gold Medal, Settrade Music Competition 2013 (Thailand).  

He also participated and performed in several music festivals such as Eurosax 2014 (Spain), Vienna International Saxfest 2016 (Austria), World Saxophone congress 2015 (France) and 2018 (Croatia), Zurich International Saxfest 2017 (Switzerland), Palma de Mallorca Saxophone Festival 2018 (Spain), New Music for Saxophone, Guitar and Sho, Conservatorium van Amsterdam 2018 (Netherlands), Thailand New Music and Arts Symposium 2019 (Thailand), The 2nd Asia Saxophone Congress 2019 (China), Saxtronic in Space, The Pavillon Le Corbusier 2019 (Switzerland), Hearing Visibilities: Multimedia Music and Art Performances 2019 (USA), ZHdk Saxophone Quartet, Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea 2019 (South Korea), Lange Nacht, Artikulationen in der zeitgenössischen Musik 2019 (Switzerland), Musikpodium der Stadt Zürich – Hommage à Armin Schibler (Switzerland), Thailand New Music and Arts Symposium – Hybrid World, Cultural Reconnection 2021(Thailand), Zurich Saxfest 2022 (Switzerland), Cornell Biennial – Cornell University 2022 (Ithaca, U.S.), Asian Pacific Saxophone Academy 2023 (Thailand).

With an ardent advocate of new music, Pisol works largely on acoustical contemporary music and music technology by new works of new composers and also himself. Recently, he is collaborating with emerging Thai composer, Piyawat Louilarpprasert. The past projects included Vienna Saxfest 2016 (Vienna), “Diffused Portrait” 2017 (London and The Hague), Thailand International Composition Festival 2016 (Bangkok), Tesselat Composer Collective 2018 (Osaka), “Pixel for saxophone and orchestra” with Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra 2019 (Thailand), and “reFlux for saxophone and orchestra” with The Symphony Orchestra of the University of Philippines 2023 (China).